Ethical Principles



  1. Observing the best interest of the child: This is a fundamental principle in the work of the members, employees and collaborators of Association Rose of the Heart which would mean looking for the most suitable family for each specific child and not seeking a child to suit the prospective adoptive parents.
  2. Legality: Strict compliance with the applicable international law and the laws of the Republic of Bulgaria;
  3. Impartiality: Objectivity and not allowing personal prejudice or animosity affect the performance of duties;
  4. Confidentiality: Keeping and processing the information relating to intercountry adoptions in compliance with the statutory rules and the norms of ethics; discretion when carrying out the activities and respect for the right of each child and each family to privacy;
  5. No discrimination: It is not allowed to discriminate anyone based on their gender, race, nationality, ethnicity, citizenship, origin, religion, education, conviction, political appurtenance, personal or social status, age, sexual orientation, marital status, material status or any other indications provided for by a law or in a treaty signed by the Republic of Bulgaria.

INTERNAL RULES OF CONDUCT of the Members, Employees and Collaborators of Association Rose of the Heart:

  1. The members, employees and collaborators of the Association shall have morality, education and experience in the field of the services relating to the mediation in intercountry adoption;
  2. The persons employed by the Association shall exercise in good faith their rights and obligations and shall have loyalty and respect to all the persons involved with the intercountry adoption procedure;
  3. The persons employed by the Association shall assist and cooperate with the state authorities in the performance of their duties in compliance with the legal requirements;
  4. The members, employees and collaborators of the Association shall maintain high standards in their professional conduct and shall continually enhance their knowledge and skills;
  5. The members, employees and collaborators of National Association Iskra shall not work for specialized institutions or residential social services for children or in territorial units of the Social Assistance Agency;
  6. They shall not release facts or circumstances they have become aware of when performing their duties or with reference to performing their duties;
  7. They shall not and have no right to demand or receive payment not proportionate to the services rendered by them or to the usual remuneration for the said services. The remunerations shall be paid only in the form of salaries, hourly rates for services actually rendered or fees for the specific work done in favor of the Association.
  8. With Reference to the Children the members, employees and collaborators of Association Rose of the Heart and any persons employed by the Association shall:
    • Work for the best interest of the child;
    • Understand and respect the uniqueness and the potential of each child;
    • Support the right of the child to freely express his/her opinion on any issues relating to his/her interest.
  9. With Reference to the Clients of Association Rose of the Heart the members, employees and collaborators and any persons employed by the Association shall:
    • Provide exact, correct and complete information concerning the progress of the adoption procedure and with reference to the rights and obligations of the Clients throughout the adoption procedure;
    • Give information to the family with reference to any issues concerning the child (especially as far as the child’s state of health is concerned);
    • Shall not obtain personal benefit from their relationship with the family;
    • Shall respect the family’s values relating to the raising and upbringing of the children and their right to make decisions with reference to their children.