Information on the basic stages of the adoption procedure according to the Bulgarian law

The procedure of the intercountry adoption of a child who is a Bulgarian citizen passes through the following stages:

A. Procedure of registration of the prospective adoptive parents in the special register of the Ministry of Justice, the Central Authority of the Republic of Bulgaria under the Hague Convention.

B. Procedure of evaluation of the candidates as suitable and eligible adoptive parents for a specific child.

C. Procedure of informing the prospective adoptive parents with the available data about the health and social status of the selected child, including a meeting with the child at the institution, family type center or foster family where he/she is placed.

D. Procedure of expression consent or dissent with the adoption of the specific child.

E. Procedure of obtaining the approval of the Minister of Justice to proceed further with the adoption procedure in its phase at court.

F. Court phase of the adoption procedure.

G. Obtaining a new birth certificate for the adopted child, where the new name of the child is entered and the adoptive parents are entered as his/her parents.

H. Issuing of an international passport for the child.

I. Procedure of obtaining a visa from the consular service at the Embassy of the respective recipient country.